1) Prepare To Do A Lot Of Exploring
Iceland has an ever changing landscape. Depending on the time of year you’re planning to visit, Iceland has so many hauntingly beautiful landscapes that completely transform throughout the seasons. Don’t be afraid to explore areas a little deeper or hike a little farther, there’s more epic views if you’re willing to explore.

2) Expect To Brave The Elements
They don’t call it Iceland for nothing. Even in high season the temps can get pretty chilly. But it’s totally worth it, trust me! It’s always a good idea to bring and warm blanket, rain coats and a good pair of boots or shoes. You can ditch these before shooting but staying dry and comfortable as much as possible is a “major key alert” (DJ Khaled voice) If you’re planning on shooting really close to a waterfall, because why not right? You’re going to get wet so maybe plan for that as your last location and just really commit and get some amazing shots.

3) Don’t Sweat The Small Stuff
Weather can change. You might get a little dirty. Your fresh looking hair might get a little wind whipped. That’s ok, don’t sweat it! Just remember why your there in the first place. Just take the time to really take in every little moment with each other. Sometimes we get caught up in all the little details and we forget to just breathe it all in.

4) Get Off The Beaten Path
While there are a million stunning locations to shoot right off the highway, there are that many more if you get off the beaten path and get adventurous. If you’re there a couple days before spend some of that time exploring down random roads and short hikes for some other spots. Some of our favorite locations we’ve shot were discovered that way.

5) Available Sunlight
Early in the season there is almost 24 hours of daylight, in midwinter there is about 5 hours. If you are looking for some of the most beautiful sunsets and dramatic skies then maybe plan for sometime around July – August when the air is a little warmer and you can catch that beautiful golden light.